Grimm Brothers Analysis

Welcome to our Grimm Brothers project. Our group of students took a dive into the works of the Brothers' Grimm to analyze them using various methods to see what we can find.

Grimm's Fairy Tales was first published in December of 1820 and contained 86 stories. By the time the seventh edition was released, the brothers had created more than 200. The brothers were influenced by authors and lingutistics from around the world, believing the stories represented each country. These stories are still passed along today, and have their own sphere of influence 200 years later. These works changed the landscape of children's fairy tales and are looked at as founding works of Western culture. The brothers also listened to opinons and morales at the time they were writing and changed stories to reflect them. This was unseen at this time in most works being published. Many of their stories have been interpereted in major films by Disney including Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, and more recently, Tangled.

These are the Grimm Brothers, Wilheim and Jacob.

Wilheim Grimm, (1786–1859), was the younger of the brothers. He studied German folklore and oral traditons of his time. He grew ill as an adult and prefered to stay within his field of work for his studies.

image of wilheiimr

Jacob Grimm, (1785 - 1863), was the older brother of the duo. He was also more accomplished of the two. The major part he had in Grimm's Fairy Tales came from his editing skills.

image of book cover